Media Sustainability Tomorrow's News

Digital media has revolutionised news. But many news organisations - whether in developing or developed countries - are still grappling with what it will mean to them, and how to maximise its potential. The programme involves workshops, newsroom consultancies and access to the best experts in the field.


Digital media has revolutionised news; but many media outlets have been slow to exploit the opportunities posed by this development.

Tomorrow’s News is a flagship Thomson Reuters Foundation series of training courses that aims to give journalists the ability to produce strong digital content that increases their reach and impact; despite limited budgets and lack of previous trial-and-error experience of what works best.

Harnessing the research into media trends produced by the Oxford-based Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, alongside Reuters in-house expertise, the training-programme provides guidance regarding what audiences are looking for and how to adapt; how to create (mobile) digital content across a range of technologies; and how to best market and deliver the news.

Recognising that regional variation along economic, social, and political lines demands tailor-made responses to these challenges, the Tomorrow’s News programme passes the mandate over its course content onto its participants.

The programme operates on four levels: intensive workshops developing strategy and creating cross-platform content; in-house training or consultancies tailor-made for individual newsrooms; further opportunities to take part in other training events addressing key areas identified by participating newsrooms themselves; and ongoing updates about the latest media trends and convergence.

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